Say Goodbye To Dark Armpits | Natural Remedies To Cure Dark Underarms



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Say Goodbye To Dark Armpits | Natural Remedies To Cure Dark Underarms

By Jess07125

For many people, especially ladies, dark underarms can be a source of low self-esteem and bring embarrassment. Dark underarms may be the reason people avoid wearing sleeveless tops or participating in activities that required lifting the arms. We have listed down the causes and cure to dark underarms! Read on and find out.  

Some of the most common causes include:

(A) Chemical Irritants

Deodorants and antiperspirants contain chemicals that might be irritable to sensitive skin.

(B) Irritation & Abrasion

Frequent shaving can cause irritation and abrasion in the armpit area.

(C) Lack of Exfoliation

The accumulation of dead skin cells can cause a darker complexion for the skin.

(D) Friction

Wearing clothes that are too tight can cause friction, which harms the skin.

(E) Hyperpigmentation

Increased melanin production can cause darker underarms.  

Now, let's dive into the topic for today. How do we lighten our underarms naturally?  

1. Stop Using Deodorant

Our body odour is produced due to the bacteria living in our armpits breaking down lipids and amino acids found in our sweat and turning them into substances that have a very distinct odour. A study has shown that not everyone needs to use deodorant as not everyone's body contains those bacteria. 

If you really need deodorant, why not opt for a natural one instead? Tea tree oil is a great substitute. Tea tree oil contains antioxidants that are good for your skin and naturally brightens the area. It also has antimicrobial properties that kill microbes present at the underarms thus deodourising the area and keeping your underarms fresh. 

What you need: A cup of water, 4-5 drops of tea tree oil, a small spray bottle

How to apply: Mix the water and tea tree oil and pour the mixture into the spray bottle. Shake well and spray it onto the underarms. Let it dry naturally. For more effective results, use it daily. 

Caution: Since tea tree oil is an essential oil, it is highly concentrated and may cause reactions to certain people. Do a patch test before use.  

2. Stop Shaving

Like how I mentioned above that shaving can cause abrasion and irritation and thus causing darker armpits, a better and healthier alternative to removing underarm hair is using the honey-lemon hair removal method

Having both honey and lemon combined can create wonders for your skin. Honey is a moisturising ingredient whereas lemon juice contains antioxidants that brighten the skin. This method may not show permanent results immediately but it decreases the density of armpit hair as it reduces the growth rate of hair. But over time, this may work as a great permanent armpit hair removal home remedy if used on a regular basis.

What you need: 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, 3 tablespoons of honey, a towel

How to apply: 

- Mix both ingredients well in a bowl.

- Wash the underarm skin with mild soap and water. Pat dry.

- Using your fingertips, take the mixture and apply liberally on your underarm region and leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes.

- Take the towel, soak in warm water and use the warm towel to wipe off the mixture from the skin.

- Do this 2-3 times a week.

- You can also leave the mixture overnight and wash it in the morning.  

3. Exfoliate

A natural remedy for armpit skin exfoliation is by using apple cider vinegar. ACV for short helps to regulate the skin's pH balance and gently remove dead skin cells, which in turn lightens dark underarms. It also has antibacterial properties that prevent bacterial growth and neutralise odour-causing bacteria, keeping your underarms fresh. 

What you need: Apple cider vinegar, water

How to apply: Mix equal parts water and ACV in a bowl. Soak 2 cotton pads in the solution and apply onto each underarm like a sheet mask. Leave on for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with water. Use it daily for effective results.  

4. Nourish Your Skin

Without proper care for your underarm skin, it can be another cause for darker underarms. Aloe Vera is a perfect and natural ingredient to nourish your skin. Aloe vera gel contains aloesin, which inhibits tyrosinase, an enzyme responsible for skin pigmentation. By stopping the activity of this enzyme, aloe vera gel can lighten dark underarms. Aloe vera also has antibacterial properties. It soothes inflamed skin and leaves the skin feeling clean and fresh.

What you need: 1 fresh aloe vera leaf

How to apply: Cut open a fresh leaf of aloe vera and extract some fresh aloe vera gel. Apply a layer on your underarms and leave on for about 10-15 minutes. Rinse with water. For good results, use this method every alternate day. Organic aloe vera gel available in the market can also be used if you can't find an aloe vera plant.  

5. Use Natural Bleaches

Natural bleaches are an inexpensive way to lighten dark underarms. Some natural bleaching agents are potatoes, cucumber and lemon.

- Potato: Grate a potato, squeeze the juice from the grated potato, and apply the juice to your underarms. After 10 minutes, rinse your armpits with cool water.

- Cucumber: Cut thick slices of cucumber and rub the slices on the dark areas of your underarms. After 10 minutes, rinse your underarms with cool water.

- Lemon: Cut thick slices of lemon and rub the slices on your underarms. After 10 minutes, rinse your armpits with cool water, dry them, and apply moisturizer.

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