RM2.10 Eco Shop Introduces RM2.50 Eco Bakery!



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RM2.10 Eco Shop Introduces RM2.50 Eco Bakery!

By xweienx

We Malaysians are a sucker for cheap, practical things. It's in our blood to haggle and search for the best value for money. That was why when ECO shop started popping up everywhere, it instantly became one of our favorite shopping places for simple household products. Many of us know of ECO shop as the RM2.10 shop because that is exactly the price of the items in the shop. Whether it's snacks, drinks, stationary, storage boxes, or decoration items, it's all RM2.10.



But what about more "serious" food? Here's the good news: ECO Shop has just introduced their own bakery, conveniently named ECO Bakery, and it's already open for business! Now, I know, I know, you're only worried about the prices, so you'll be pleased to know that they are sticking with the same pricing model. Everything in the shop will be sold at the same price of RM2.50


Besides break, ECO Bakery sells a huge variety of pastries and desserts, including hot and cold beverages, cakes, biscuits, and even ice cream! Once more, they all cost you only RM2.50! No more expensive pastries for your breakfast or tea time.


Right now, there are only 3 ECO Bakery, located at Selayang and Bukit Raja in Selangor, and Segamat in Johor. We believe that more and more of them are coming very soon, just like how ECO Shop appeared everywhere almost overnight! To find out more about ECO Bakery and any new branch openings, stay tuned to their Facebook page!

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