The 3 Telltale Signs You're In A Rebound Relationship



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The 3 Telltale Signs You're In A Rebound Relationship

By DN21

A rebound relationship is when an individual who had just recently ended or left his/her romantic relationship, before quickly starting anew with another person. This can happen to anyone, especially for those still mending from a broken heart. 

So, before you start fantasizing about the day you say "I Do" to that new partner of yours, look out for signs on whether or not you're trapped in a rebound relationship first.

1. You don't know the real reason you're being loved

Is it your charming personality or striking looks that caught your new partner's eyes? Or was the relationship built without a solid reason from the start? If your partner decided to give it a go just because you're the closest 'catch' to fill the void, then it's time to re-evaluate the relationship.  

2. You don't feel a genuine connection

While it's true that opposites attract, that doesn't mean that you and your partner should have nothing in common. Perhaps you've bonded quickly over a same trait, but was that connection genuine or forced?  

3. Your partner is still not over the EX

Just leave, really. There's no point in being in love with someone whose heart still revolves around his/her ex. You might notice how your partner frequently talks about the ex, lamenting over the failed relationship countless times. Truth be told, perhaps he/she hasn't quite moved on yet, and that isn't fair for you.  

#love #breakup #rebound #relationship #toxic


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