You Won’t Believe It | 6 Surprising Snacks Which Are Healthy & Tasty



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You Won’t Believe It | 6 Surprising Snacks Which Are Healthy & Tasty

By ellephant

Eating to your heart’s content and not wanting to put on weight, can often be between the devil and the deep blue sea. 

It is tiring watching out for the stuff we consume, all in the name of not threatening the shape of our bodies, which unfortunately, inherently controls how the world looks at us, and thus, how we look at ourselves.  

The best way around the dilemma would be to eat healthy, or take in foods which are fundamentally low in caloric value. Sadly though, almost all the most delicious treats fall under the unhealthy/high-calorie radar. 

But we did say almost. Surprisingly there are still some good stuff out there, that taste oh so good and actually doesn’t tip the scales. Here are the 6 of them! 

#1 Eggs  

Eggs regardless of all the huff and puff, are actually in fact undeniably healthy. Yolk and all, they’re a complete protein containing up to 9 amino acids, which if you don’t know, is a good thing for your body. On top of that, they’re absolutely filling. 

#2 Cottage Cheese  

Out of everything, who would have thought cheese right? But yeah, cottage cheese is apparently low in calorie and high in protein. It has all that good stuff in it, is a weight-loss friendly food and fills you to the brim, just like eggs. 

#3 Popcorn  

How old were you when you found out that popcorn isn’t exactly junk? We were today years old. Evidently air-popped popcorn is low in calories, so eat away! They’re rich in fiber, and adding a tad bit of butter and salt/sugar to it every once in a while, probably won’t kill. 

#4 Yogurt  

Another tasty snack you can have without gaining weight is yogurt. Besides helping you lose weight, having yogurt is like gasping for a breath of fresh air. Delicious, creamy, cold, it also goes well with fresh fruit and trail mix (other low-calorie snacks)!

#5 Dark Chocolate  

For all you chocolate lovers, we may have just found a way to grant your deepest, darkest desires. Chocolate is fattening, but dark chocolate isn’t. The lower calorie option, it has a digestion-slowing saturated fat called stearic acid. It takes a longer time to process, thus putting off hunger and flattening that belly of yours!

#6 Nuts  

You know what they say, when nothing goes right, go nuts. Well, they don’t say that, but we’re telling you, you can. Polyunsaturated fats in nuts activate genes that reduce fat storage, and improve insulin metabolism. They are one of the best dietary resources and on top of that, yums!

With these 6 snack options, you can munch them bits, and keep staying fit. 

snack food surprising lowcalorie fats weight eat healthy eggs cottagecheese popcorn yogurt darkchocolate nuts Weightloss Fit


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