Learning the ways a virus spread: How to prevent the spread of COVID-19



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Learning the ways a virus spread: How to prevent the spread of COVID-19

By littlelife35

While everyone is buying masks and using hand sanitizers to prevent the spread of COVID-19, you might be wondering how these measures prevent the spread of the virus. Let us take a look at how a virus spread and whether the measure we have taken are effective in preventing us from being infected by the virus.

There are basically a few methods that virus can be spread from one person to another. However, we are mainly concerned in the spreading of the virus via humans. While research on how the virus spread is still ongoing, WHO guidelines are based on preventing the virus from spreading through human to human transmission.


1. Droplets or airborne

Virus can be transmitted through droplets in the air. When someone infected by the virus sneezes or coughs into the air, the virus is present in the tiny droplets and may enter and infect another person nearby who breathes in the droplet. Hence, we are advised to wear masks if we are sick and maintain a good cough etiquette by covering our mouth with our hand as we cough. This is also the reason we are advised to practice social distancing as the droplets we breathe out can reach a person within 1 meter around us.


2. Direct contact

Shaking hands with someone who has the virus on their hands can cause the virus to spread from one person to another. Therefore, we are advised to refrain from touching one another and even officers are told not to shake hands with one another although shaking hands has been a form of courtesy since a long time ago. If we have shaken hands with someone, wash and sanitize our hands to prevent being infected by the virus.


3. Indirect contact

Viruses can also spread through the touching of virus on objects and surfaces. Viruses are so small that we do not know whether there is any virus on things around us. Thus, we should wash and sanitize our hands frequently and avoid touching our eyes, nose and mouth where the virus is most probable to enter our body.


4. Faecal-oral route

Some virus can spread through the faeces that is excreted from someone infected by the virus and contaminate food or water, thus allowing the virus to enter the body of another person by drinking or eating the contaminated food. However, according to WHO, the COVID-19 virus is less likely to spread through this medium. Nevertheless, we should all maintain good and proper hygiene to prevent the spread of the virus.


We should all follow the guidelines by WHO and the Ministry of Health to prevent the spread of the virus. Let us all abide by the rules and help to put a stop the escalating number of cases and deaths due to COVID-19.

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