With all the travel photos and food photos and cat photos circulation Instagram, I say let’s bring back the iconic car selfies!
Here are some poses you can try out for you next #CarSelfie:
1. The classic
With you elbow resting on the car window area and your head resting on your hand. The typical car selfie!
2. Mirror Selfie
Who says mirror selfie are reserved for toilets and bedrooms only?
3. Driving with A Drink
Whether its coffee or tea or even boba, a photo of you with on hand holding your drink and another on your steering wheel is what we all want and need!
4. Hair in the Wind
Okay, make sure you have someone else with you to take this photo! No selfie-ing and driving!
5. One Leg Up, One Leg Down
You can actually take this photo on your own because you should not be driving performing this pose. Park your car and set you phone up and pose!
6. Lean Back Casual Style
You do not want to be driving or in the driver seat for this photo, get into the passenger seat, lead your back slightly backwards and place your right foot on the dashboard. Slip on some sunglasses to complete the look.