How To Cut Your Own Bangs Perfectly At Home



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How To Cut Your Own Bangs Perfectly At Home

By Huan Lui

Most girls love their bangs as bangs make us look younger and more youthful than we actually are. xD

Yep, bangs are great, until it reaches a certain length that it covers — or worse, poke—your eyes. And since we still can’t get a haircut to get rid of the excessive length, and putting up with the tingling feeling is just not an option, guess we just have to do it ourselves, eh?

So, here’s how.

Step 1  
Photo source: faxingzhan

Section out your bangs with a comb and make a triangular shape in the center.

Step 2  
Photo source: faxingzhan

Pull the triangular section straight out and position your fingers at where you want to trim. 

Step 3  

Photo source: faxingzhan

Keep your bangs between 2 fingers, lightly trim across at an angle with scissors.

Finally, you gotta check yourself out. Drop down the bangs and see how you did.

It is unlikely to fail, but keep in mind that you really need to cut in caution. Good luck trimming!

bangs Cut at home MCO

Huan Lui

Aim the star to reach beyond the sky~



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