Do You Have The Best Or Worst Birthdates In The World?



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Do You Have The Best Or Worst Birthdates In The World?

By m7py

Are you one of the few with the best or worst birthdays? Find out which dates have made it onto the list


June 15th 

Source: Instagram

Yup, there are no other dates that can come close to this holy day. It's more to do with American's preference to give birth on a bright summer day. So, according to a study by Dr. Oetker, around 2000 people agree it is the best birthdate. 


February 29th

Source: Instagram

This is obvious. I mean- celebrating your birthday once every four years is a bummer. My heart goes out to all the 'leaplings' out there! 

December 16th 

Source: Instagram

Ok- this one might seem a little random. But, British research found that the cold & wet weather might not be the best day to celebrate after all. 

If you're one with any of these birthdates, make sure to throw yourself a big party. Cause' YOU'RE SPECIAL AF-good or bad!

birthdays Astrology numerology


Thank you for reading!



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