Winston Duke, renowned for his role in the blockbuster film Black Panther, recently caused a delightful stir among Malaysians on social media. The actor caught Malaysians by surprise when he playfully mentioned "Nasi Kangkang" in response to a Malaysian fan's promise to serve him various delicious Malaysian delicacies. His witty remark instantly sparked laughter and amusement across the nation.
In a heartwarming exchange on Instagram, a Malaysian fan expressed their admiration for Winston Duke's work and extended an invitation to serve him a variety of delectable Malaysian dishes.
Winston Duke, known for his engaging and charismatic personality, playfully responded to the invitation. His memorable reply quickly captured the attention of Malaysians, as he humorously added, "As long as it's not nasi Kangkang, I'm in." The unexpected mention of "Nasi Kangkang" sent Malaysians into fits of laughter and instantly became a trending topic on social media platforms.
"Nasi Kangkang" is a humorous term in Malaysian slang that roughly translates to "Spread-Leg Rice." The phrase, though not commonly used in formal settings, has gained popularity as a comical reference in local humor. Winston Duke's casual mention of this playful term in his Instagram response became an instant hit among Malaysians, eliciting widespread amusement.
Following Winston Duke's mention of "Nasi Kangkang," Malaysians took to social media platforms to express their excitement and appreciation for the actor's lighthearted response.
— fiekachu (@afierohim) July 4, 2023
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