Civil Servant Declared Bankrupt After Parents Forced To Take House Loans



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Civil Servant Declared Bankrupt After Parents Forced To Take House Loans

By Ayunie

A local civil servant has turned to a Facebook group dedicated to topics of bankruptcy in Malaysia to vent their desolation over the recent bankruptcy notice they just received from the court. 

In their confession, they wrote: "Sorry, just a question: I just received a notice of bankruptcy filed against me in court. I've taken up a Bank Rakyat loan of RM200K previously. A decision coerced by my parents to financially aid in building them a home since I am the only child that is working with the government." They continued, "Now I am struggling to pay it back. What is going to happen now that I've been declared bankrupt?"

Civil servants in Malaysia generally have an added advantage when it comes to applying for loans and we've heard of numerous instances where some parents seem to like taking advantage of such a privilege for their own financial gains.

The confessor, who wishes to remain anonymous, claims that although their parents are well aware of their current financial condition, they are refusing to acknowledge it, claiming that it is only just for children to repay their parents for the years they have spent raising them. They added that they are left with no choice but to soldier on as they have their own children to worry about. 

Many internet users have sympathised with the confessor, and slammed these types of parents who blatantly misuse their parental roles for their own benefits with little to no regard for their children's lives. 

What are your views on this? Give us your most unfiltered thoughts. 

civil servants mortgage loans House parents irresponsible bankcruptcy bankrupt


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