"Why Did You Judge Me?" Woman Offers To Pay For A Stranger's Nasi Lemak But He Refuses, Citing Concerns Of "Sumber Haram"



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"Why Did You Judge Me?" Woman Offers To Pay For A Stranger's Nasi Lemak But He Refuses, Citing Concerns Of "Sumber Haram"

By Ayunie

A woman's innocent act of kindness took a peculiar turn when the man she offered to pay nasi lemak for has refused her offer, and questioned that her money could've come from "sumber haram." This incident was narrated by the woman on platform X and sparked online debate.

According to her account, while waiting in line to purchase her nasi lemak, she noticed a man behind her also ordering a nasi lemak. When it was her turn to pay, she generously offered to cover the man's order as well.

However, to her surprise, the man declined her gesture, expressing concerns about the halal status of her money. In her own words, she recounted the exchange, "I was in line to buy nasi lemak. Then, when it was my turn, I placed my order. Later, I heard the person behind me ordering one nasi lemak. So when it was time to pay, I told the cashier to include the person behind me in my payment. The man heard this, and then he said, 'Oh, it's okay... I'm afraid the source might not be halal.' I was stunned. I smiled awkwardly. Then the cashier said to me, 'It's okay, I'll treat you. You don't need to pay for the person behind you; this source is HALAL.'"

The woman expressed her astonishment at the man's response, highlighting that he questioned the halal status of her money and implied uncertainty about the legitimacy of her income.

The incident quickly gained attention on social media platform X, with netizens expressing bewilderment at the man's reaction to a simple act of generosity involving free nasi lemak.

Criticism has been directed at the man for bringing up the aspect in such a context. The incident has ignited a broader conversation about boundaries in innocent interactions, especially when it comes to acts of kindness.

What do you think of this issue? Comment below.

Source: @FiaHafiz

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halal haram nasi lemak act of kindness sumber platform x anecdote


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