Ways To Ask Your Boss For A Raise In Salary, According to Expert Opinion



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Ways To Ask Your Boss For A Raise In Salary, According to Expert Opinion

By MJC97

With all the hype around the Malaysia Pay gap Instagram which is an Instagram account dedicated to advocating pay transparency and better salary in Malaysia where locals are anonymously sharing their salaries, qualifications, years of experience and more, it's about damn time you stand up for yourself and tell your boss: Boss, I am underpaid. I want a raise!


Most often, when a person is underpaid, they are either unaware about it or aware of it but not brave enough to ask their boss for a raise or they just don't know how to ask for one. 

So, after talking to a professional named Divya who has been working in the Human Resources industry for about 5 years, here's how to ask your boss for a raise: 

Before asking your boss for a raise:

+ Keep a record of your achievements

According to Divya, it is important to record all your achievements, big and small too - especially if you do some extra things that are outside of your job description! When asking for a raise, you will need to have hard facts to back up your demand and negotiate your raise, that's when these records will come in handy. 


+ Build a good rapport

Always build a good rapport with your supervisor, your boss and even your boss's boss. When asking for a salary these are the people who will need to back you up with management. So, always try to show them that you're excited to take on new responsibilities and don't be afraid to volunteer whenever needed. 

When asking for a raise be sure to:

+ Pick the right time 

Some of the best times to ask for a raise is during Annual Performace Reviews, after completing an important project and whenever your boss is in a good mood, of course! If your boss is having a bad day and stressing out about a certain project or even budget cuts, then steer away from raising the issue about the raise. 

One good time to ask for a raise is when you're the hero of the day and managed to save the company from maybe losing a client or if you managed to save your company a ton of money! 

+ Be confident and fearless

Part of having emotions is feeling scared or sometimes even guilty that you're asking someone to give you more money. Well, you better set these emotions aside before the meeting because these kinds of emotions won't get you a raise. 

You need to enter the room and speak with confidence. Divya mentioned that you shouldn't be afraid to mention all the things you have done for the company as well as how you've made work easier for other people. She said that this shows that you are capable of continuous improvement, reducing cost and saving time for the company which makes you an asset. 

+ Express enthusiasm and gratitude 

Talk about how excited you are, not only for your future goals but also for the future goals of the company to show that you are invested in your job and that you're invested in growing with the company. 


Besides that, it is also important to stress how thankful you are by sharing your appreciation and gratitude to the company for all the knowledge they have shared with you, how they've helped you grow professionally and for everything you have at the company at the moment. 

+ Justify your raise

Just asking for a higher salary won't get you one, you need to give your superiors reasons why you deserve your raise. That is why in the earlier point, recording all your achievements is a good way to before asking for a raise. 

Be specific and use recent accomplishments or any awards you've received from the company as a way to quantify your value so that your bosses will be able to see tangible evidence of how you've contributed to the company. Make sure you answer any questions directed to you logically and tactfully to help further justify your request. 

Ways To Ask Your Boss For A Ra Ask Your Boss For A Raise Raise In Salary Working Adults Guide For All Working Adults Malaysia Pay Gap


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