M’sian Soldier In Johor Dies Of Organ Failure After Accidentally Splashing His Face With Insecticide



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M’sian Soldier In Johor Dies Of Organ Failure After Accidentally Splashing His Face With Insecticide

By Ayunie

A tragic and unexpected incident unfolded as a soldier was preparing to use insecticide to combat flies at his camp. In a dreadful turn of events, the soldier accidentally splashed the insecticide onto his face and eyes. This unfortunate mishap resulted in chemical poisoning and eventually led to his untimely demise.


The incident occurred at 10 AM on September 30th at the Danren Loko Camp (Khemah Perubatan Kem LSBU Tg Logok). The soldier, identified as Mohamad Shamsuri, aged 28, was in the process of readying the tools for spraying the insecticide. However, when he opened the insecticide container, he unintentionally splashed the substance onto his face and eyes.


Immediately after being exposed, the soldier experienced intense pain on his face. In an attempt to alleviate the discomfort, he hurriedly made his way to a nearby tent with a sink to wash his face. Despite his efforts, the pain persisted, prompting him to seek initial treatment from a sergeant on-site.


Recognizing the severity of the situation, the soldier was swiftly transported to Kota Tinggi Hospital for further medical attention at 10:40 AM. on the same day. His condition presented distressing symptoms, including difficulty breathing, eye swelling, and facial skin redness.

Upon arrival at the hospital's emergency room at 11:15 AM., the soldier had already lost consciousness. Medical professionals initiated emergency procedures, placing him in a medically-induced coma and utilizing a respirator to assist with his breathing. Tragically, despite their best efforts, the soldier's condition continued to deteriorate, and he succumbed to the effects of chemical poisoning at 2:05 PM on the same day.


Preliminary investigations into the incident have revealed that the soldier's cause of death was attributed to chemical poisoning, which subsequently led to organ failure. 

Source: China Press

Soldier organ failure chemical poisoning unfortunate accident insecticide


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