Louis Vuitton (LV) bags have always been an icon of fashion and luxury. You may not think that a designer bag is an absolute must, but your bag wardrobe will never be the same again when a LV handbag is added to the collection.
LV has released a vast variety of handbags with overwhelming designs and they can last for decades. But when it comes to buying one, you might find it hard to decide which to take home. So, we now put together a beginner's guide to purchasing your first ever LV handbag that you have coveted for years.
The Speedy is the oldest classic design of LV handbags. It is one of the most popular styles LV has ever made. This Boston bag is suitable for all occasions. Use it when you go to work, shopping or for a casual meetup.
The Speedy comes in 5 different sizes: Nano, 25, 30, 35 and 40 with different prices. Made from the soft and elegant Monogram Canvas, the price of this series of Boston bag is relatively low. Believe it or not, it is definitely good value for the money.
Price: RM 4,000-RM 6,000
Pochette Métis
Known as the PM for short, Pochette Métis is a cross-body bag that is a remake of one of their older model of tote bags. This is a great bag for anyone, male and female alike, besides making you look fashionable, which is why it is not surprising at all that the series has been very popular since its launch in 2013.
The Pochette Métis is made from Monogram Empreinte Canvas and decorated with a unique padlock exclusive for the design. The removable strap that comes with the bag makes it possible to be worn as a shoulder bag or across your body. What's more, it is actually quite affordable.
Price: RM 8,000
The Duffle looks like a bucket bag, but it is not. Having been remade by the creative director, Nicolas Chesquiere, and carried by Fan Bing Bing in Paris, it has gained huge fame and is coveted by many luxury lovers. With the exquisite S-shaped padlock at the front, it is indeed an elegant piece of bag.
Price: RM 9,900
Alma BB
The Alma is by all means one of their classic styles. Its name is inspired by the famous Place de l'Alma in Paris. The details of this style impart a timeless uniqueness: the twin Toron handles, double zip closure and streamline shape.
As for the sizes, not only did it come in small, medium and large sizes, the mini size Alma BB was also released in 2013. The wider range of material and color options made it a perfect choice for young ladies' daily wear. This classic style is highly recommended for you who wishes to buy your first LV handbag!
Price: RM 5,000 - RM 7,000
Locky BB
The Locky BB is the combination of refinement and bold statement. It is small and looks cool, yet a pink Locky BB would boost your feminine look and make you more lady-like. Furthermore, it goes well in all situations! Wear it on a date or to a dinner, either over the shoulder or cross body, there is a number of ways it can help in your effort to look trendy!
Price: RM 7,000 - RM 8,000
Louis Vuitton's bucket bag was champagne-inspired. The original bucket bag was designed after a champagne merchant ordered a bag to transport 5 champagne bottles. Now, this version comes in at least 4 choices of size.
NÉONOÉ is undoubtedly career women's favorite. The elegance and trendiness of the bag make it suitable for both formal and informal occasions like travel or a get-together.
Price: RM 6,950
Are you still pondering over which bags to buy? Anyway, remember that designer bag is an investment! So, what are you waiting for? Get one now, or start saving to get one now, sisters!