I Tried Vase Creation’s Organic Stress Relief Pillow Mist For A Week, Here’s The Verdict:



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I Tried Vase Creation’s Organic Stress Relief Pillow Mist For A Week, Here’s The Verdict:

By MJC97

Living in the 21st century isn't an easy feat. There's COVID-19 which has affected the economy causing the price of everything to rise, global warming is still a problem, there's a war happening and people on social media are so mean. Let's face it there's a lot to be stressed about.

As we all know stress can be harmful to our bodies. While it doesn't really immediately take effect, in the long term, chronic stress can cause mental health problems, cardiovascular disease, skin and hair problems and even sexual dysfunction. Scary right? Stress can have a different effect on people, it isn't the same for everyone. 

Personally, as someone who is definitely going through a lot of stress, one of my biggest struggles is sleeping. Due to all the stress, I find it very hard to fall asleep at night and enjoy a good night's sleep. Most of my nights involve me tossing and turning in bed before finally falling asleep only to wake up several times throughout the night and struggle to fall back asleep again. 

As we know, sleep is vital for productivity, concentration and overall physical and mental health. To be honest, working with barely enough sleep seems to cause me more stress because I can barely focus on my job which negatively impacts my productivity. 

To address the problems with my sleep, I decided to try out a product by Vase Creation, the Organic Stress Relief Pillow Mist. Vase Creations is a local clean formulation and beauty brand with 2 female founders with a professional background in the Chemical Formulating and Manufacturing Industry. Their brand is known for creating products with clean ingredients and made from premium quality natural ingredients and nature safe processes. 

As someone who believes in the wonders of aromatherapy, I wanted a product that uses its principles to help me deal with my sleep problems instead of sleeping pills which have some dangerous side effects if taken daily. After reading about Vase Creation's Organic Stress Relief Pillow Mist, I found out that it is highly recommended for those busy and stressful days, which I have been having a lot of! 

Vase Creation's Organic Stress Relief Pillow Mist is carefully hand-blended with organic pure essential oils. It uses the pure essential oils of lavender, patchouli, sweet orange, roman chamomile, vetiver and cedarwood, all of which are well-known for their calming and relaxing benefits. 

I have tried using Lavender essential oils in a diffuser and directly on my pillow to help me sleep but it didn't really work. So, I was very interested to see if the combination of all these calming scents, sprayed directly on my pillow would help me destress and fall asleep. 

I decided to spray it on my pillow for a week and here's how it affected me: 

+ Calming Fragrance
Honestly, I was a little worried that the combination of all the various scents would be a little too much but I was shocked at how it didn't end up being like that at all. The combined scents created a very pleasing scent that seem to calm me down after a long day. 

After spraying it on my pillow and lying down on it, I was not completely overwhelmed by the scent. I could smell it but it was sort of in the background, working its wonders slowly and helping me relax. 

+ Long Lasting
Aromas can normally be applied to any cloth, like pillows, but their chemical volatility limits their permanence so after a while it fades away. The Vase Creation's Organic Stress Relief Pillow Mist efficiently encapsulated and retains its fragrance so that even when I wake up in the morning I can still smell the remnants of the scent on my pillow. This evokes a positive emotion which is good for someone like me who isn't really a morning person. 

+ Fall Asleep Easier
Normally when going to find I find it very hard to fall asleep even when I am exhausted. I will stay awake in bed for hours just trying to fall asleep. Sometimes, I have to read for hours until my eyes finally get tired and I fall asleep. But, with Vase Creation's Organic Stress Relief Pillow Mist, I managed to fall asleep easily. 

I normally get in bed at around 10:30pm, watch some Netflix or read a little and try to close all the lights by 11:30pm. For the past week, I spray some of Vase Creation's Organic Stress Relief Pillow Mist on my pillow at 10:30 and after that, I can barely stay awake till 11:30pm. Some days I'm asleep by 11pm without having to struggle to fall asleep or spend hours tossing and turning. 

+ Improves Sleep Quality
As mentioned before, with all the stress that I face, I find it hard to stay asleep at night. I often find myself waking up several times throughout the night and find it difficult to fall back asleep most of the time which makes me severely exhausted when I wake up in the morning. 

After using Vase Creation's Organic Stress Relief Pillow Mist, I wake up less frequently throughout the night and fall back asleep easily. There are days when I don't wake up at all in the middle of the night! This has honestly improved my mornings and made me feel more refreshed and rested when I wake up. 

My Verdict: It works and it is definitely worth it! 

After using it for a week it has tremendously helped with my sleep and also I just love how good it smells! I would personally recommend it to anyone who is facing a lot of stress. Vase Creation's Organic Stress Relief Pillow Mist is therapeutic and the pleasant aroma has a calming and relaxing effect on me. 

If you are interested in trying Vase Creation's Organic Stress Relief Pillow Mist for a better night's sleep, here's how you can get one for yourself:
Online Store: https://www.vasestudio.com/shop
Shopee: https://shopee.com.my/vasecreation

For more info on Vase Creation visit their pages as linked below:
Website | Facebook | Instagram

*:・゚ Good night, sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite! ・゚: *

Vase Creation Vase Creation Sleep Mist Sleep Mist beauty stress relief Stress Relief Pillow Mist Pillow Mist Organic Stress Relief Pillow M


Just another human, trying to survive.



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