Work From Home=Work 24 Hours? | Netizen Shared WFH’s Experience



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Work From Home=Work 24 Hours? | Netizen Shared WFH’s Experience

By joeeeenggg

Our Malaysian government has enforced the Movement Control Order, in order to curb the spread of COVID-19, thus making many workers have no choice but to work from home. I believe that many of us would love the idea of WFH, right? You get to sleep longer as you don't have to travel to work. And what's more comfortable than working in your home, wearing pajamas?

Well, this netizen's WFH experience will certainly prove you wrong!

As shared by a Facebook user, Ir Abdul Rahman, he disclosed that an unnamed netizen has DM him about his or her working schedule. Ir Abdul Rahman posted out the photo with a title of 【Because you Work From Home, your working hours will increase as compared to working in the office】    

Facebook: Ir Abdul Rahman Bahasa
He mentioned in the post that the boss of this netizen commented:

"because you're working from home and I can't monitor you so working from 8 am to 6 pm is not sufficient."

However, that netizen too said that he or she was able to submit and complete the workload from 8 am to 6 pm. What's more intolerant is that the boss even WhatsApp him or her after working hours and said in a Whatsapp group that "whoever is being uncooperative and does not respond on time, you're welcome to resign. "

The netizen further advised all bosses to have trust in your workers and not to take advantage of these poor workers during this critical time being. And further called out to all workers to not be lazy and sloppy while WFH, make sure to complete all assigned tasks before deadlines.

Guys, make sure to keep up your performance during this MCO! I understand that it is difficult for us but we can make this work!

MCO work From home netizen experience


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