Outrage Sparks as 7-Year-Old Forced To Stand Under Blazing Sun For Arriving Late To School, Investigation Launched



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Outrage Sparks as 7-Year-Old Forced To Stand Under Blazing Sun For Arriving Late To School, Investigation Launched

By Ayunie

The Johor Islamic Religious Council (MAINJ) is set to investigate allegations that a seven-year-old student from a religious school was made to stand under the sun as punishment for being late to school. According to State Islamic Religious Affairs Committee chairman Mohd Fared Mohd Khalid, MAINJ has directed its Islamic education department and the District Islamic Education Office to obtain reports on the matter and conduct a thorough investigation.

The allegations came to light after a video clip was shared on TikTok, where a user claimed that her child was forced to stand under the scorching sun for arriving just ten minutes late to school. She wrote in a caption that her child had been "discarded, humiliated, and left standing by themselves in the hot sun."

 "The ustazah is cruel!"

The student, who has not been named, was reportedly made to suffer the punishment as a disciplinary measure. Given the recent spike in reports of student deaths from heat stroke, the incident has prompted concerns pertaining to the safety and wellbeing of students at the school.

@dvafella Dalam pada pihak KPM mengambil langkah berjaga² pada musim panas ni..anak aku selamba je ustazah denda JEMUR tengah cuaca panas atas alasan anak aku lambat ke sekolah. Dah la di pulaukan diasingkan berdiri jauh dari perhimpunan pelajar² lain disidainya anak aku sorang² bawah panas terik jam 2petang sedangkan ustazah tu pandai pulak berteduh bawah koridor. Makan hati jugak aku yang tengok anak aku baru berusia 7tahun darjah 1 kena DENDA macam tu terkontang kanting sorang² diBAWAH panas terik. DiMALUKAN DiPULAUkan dari masuk barisan perhimpunan sekolah. Tidak dibenarkan masuk barisan perhimpunan akibat lambat 10minit. Waktu pembelajaran masih belum bermula..semua pelajar belum lagi masuk ke bilik darjah. Masih lagi dalam perhimpunan. Agak² la kalau nak denda pun, tempat teduh ada kenapa ko JEMUR anak aku tengah panas terikk! Apa la bodoh sangat pemikiran..akal ada tak guna ke? Musim panas kematian akibat strok haba pun dah banyak kes sekarang. Kalau buatnya anak aku rebah time tu ko nk bertanggungjawab ke? Lepas tangan je alih² mak bapak jugak kena hadap. Maaf ya aku dah tak boleh sabar tengok anak aku kena denda macam tu. Depan² mata aku pulak kena sidai tengah panas macam tu, kat rumah aku on aircond 24jam ko pandai² sidai anak aku tengah PANAS. Risaunya dgn kes stroke haba sekarang. Anak aku lambat bukan sengaja² aku nak hantar lambat, anak aku lambat bersebab. Aku bukan ibu yang bodoh yang tak tahu peraturan sekolah. Takkan lambat 10minit menyebabkan anak dah tak boleh hadir ke sekolah terus pada hari itu. Jadi warga pendidik ni kena peka..kena bijak kena ada jiwa. Pandang budak tu macam anak ko sendiri, budak tu baru darjah 1 kot. Baru nak belajar kenal alam persekolahan yg sebenar. Banyak cara lagi ko boleh denda kenapa cara bodoh jugak ko pilih? Salah ke kalau ko denda bawah tempat teduh macam ko berteduh bawah koridor?? Ko pandai cari tempat teduh nak berucap. #sekolahagamasesipetang #Pejabatpendidikanagamajohor #kementerianpendidikanmalaysia #pejabatagamanegerijohor @Fadhlina Sidek @KPM Lagu Sedih - Muhammad abdul jafar

The video has been shared more than 3,500 times and has garnered over 41,000 likes and 11,000 comments, filled with angry parents expressing their concerns and criticism over the severe punishment.

What do you think of this incident? Leave your thoughts below. 

religious school tardiness late 7 year old forced Stand Under sun Johor investigation ustazah teacher punishment


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