Hair Care Hacks Every Oily-Haired Girl Should Live By



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Hair Care Hacks Every Oily-Haired Girl Should Live By

By Ayunie

Living in a country where the humid weather has become that one friend we just can‘t get rid of, dealing with oily scalp and greasy hair is nothing but a regular occurrence— and no one enjoys it, not one bit.  

If you're a fellow oily-haired gal, you know the problem all too well. Good thing there are plenty of tips and tricks we can benefit from when it comes to taking our oily hair down a notch. Keep on reading!

1. Wash Your Hair Less Often  

Bear in mind this might take your hair a few months to adjust, but try washing your hair at most two times a week. In months' time, you'll notice that your hair will not get oily as quickly as this habit will give your hair the time it needs to regulate the sebum on your scalp and cease it from overproducing. 

2. Use Scalp Scrub  

Scalp buildup is one of the reasons your scalp could be oily. Only using shampoo won't get rid of all the junk— instead, extra care would be needed. Those extra dead skin and product buildup gotta go, besties. 

3. Wash Your Hair Brushes Regularly  

Your hair brushes, will, eventually be a breeding ground for bacteria if you don't regularly wash them. Don't skip this step!

4. Use Dry Shampoos On Your Scalp, But Not Too Much  

Use dry shampoo on your scalp as a quick fix, but be careful not to use too much, or it'll just add to the buildup on your scalp. use sparingly! 

5. Rinse Your Scalp With Apple Cider Vinegar

Mix a couple of tablespoons of water with apple cider vinegar. Massage your scalp with the mixture right after shampooing and leave it one for a couple of minutes, then rinse thoroughly. Do this a few times a week to see the difference. 

Just follow these hacks, and you'll be able to kiss your oily scalp goodbye. Good luck, besties!

oily hair Scalp beauty hacks tips tricks


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