Amidst the excitement of finally celebrating the month of Ramadha, it's easy to get carried away with the food you choose to eat for breaking your fast.
A Twitter user @nikfaiqq almost hurled his entire stomach once he found maggot eggs smushed in his half-bitten date.
According to him, it apparently tasted sweet and creamy which contributed to his delayed realisation.
He posted about his unfortunate experience of eating maggot-infested dates on Twitter and to his dismay, other users have came forward sharing similar experience.
They've advised that before buying any packaged dates, it's best check the production date so you wouldn't be tricked into buying old stock dates. it is also advisable to clean your dates thoroughly by slicing them in half to make sure there are no "added" insects or other micro living things in them.
Have you ever had similar experience? Share with us in the comments.