Gong Cha Korea Launched New Mango Yogurt With Heart-Shaped Boba



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Gong Cha Korea Launched New Mango Yogurt With Heart-Shaped Boba

By 我是一条酸菜鱼

Gong Cha Korea has recently launched a series of Mango Yogurt drinks, and one of them is too lovely that I bet all the girls out there couldn't handle it!


Source: Gong Cha Korea Facebook

 There are four new menus for the Mango Yogurt series, including Yogurt Foam & Jewelry Milk Te, Yogurt Jewelry Mango Crush, Mango QQ Milk Tea and Mango Tropical Heart Crush.

And one of the menus comes with HEART-shaped coconut jelly pearl, matching with the Mango smoothie.

AWWWW, It's just too adorable!


Source: Gong Cha Korea

The Mango Tropical Heart Crush made with sweet and fresh tropical fruit crush with lovely heart coconut. 

The refreshing yellowish plus the red hearts give you a summer vibe, and the heart-shaped pearl definitely makes for great photos on Instagram. Come on, guys! Buy this lovely drink to your significant one to show her your love!

Other flavors look very tempting as well, but if you are looking for Instagrammable/photogenic drink, the Mango Tropical Heart Crush is definitely your cup of "Mango Yogurt drink".


Source: Gong Cha Korea Facebook


Source: Gong Cha Korea Instagram 


Source: Gong Cha Korea Instagram 

Source: Gong Cha Korea Instagram


Source: Gong Cha Korea Instagram
These lovely drinks are ONLY available at Gong Cha Korea for a limited time only, and hopefully, Malaysia will have something special coming out soon! Let's look forward to it!


Instagram: @gongcha.official

Facebook: Gong Cha Korea

Official website: Gong Cha

Cover Photo: @gongcha.official

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