Reasons Why You Need to Stop Putting Your Laptop on Your Tummy or Lap When Working



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Reasons Why You Need to Stop Putting Your Laptop on Your Tummy or Lap When Working

By MJC97

As most companies move towards the new normal, more and more employees are not getting assigned to work from home. While this is definitely a way to curb the spread of the pandemic, it can also cause more health-related problems for the employees. 

Your lifestyle at home and the way you work at home is definitely not same as when your worked in the office. There are changes in the way you sit down and carry out your daily tasks. 

While some of us are fortunate enough to have a home office, some of us tend to do out work on our beds and sofas which means that your laptop is mostly placed on your lap and your tummy.  

Here are a few reasons why you should stop placing your laptop on your tummy and your lap:

1. May harm your reproductive system

Have you ever dreamt of getting married and having cute little babies with the love of your life? Well, if you keep placing your laptop on your lap or stomach when working, it may harm your reproductive system which can cause issues with infertility. 

Laptops receive wireless internet signals (microwaves) and radiate EMFs. By placing it on your lap or stomach, it can pose risks on a male user’s sperm count and a female’s egg release. 

2. Toasted Skin Syndrome 

Well, if you are concern about the skin on your face then you should also start worry about the skin on your body. Apparently, placing your laptop on your skin for extended periods of time can lead to an unusual-looking mottled skin condition or rash caused by long-term heat exposure.  

Also known as erythema ab igne, it doesn’t develop immediately, it develops over time depending on how often you place your laptop on your lap or tummy and how hot it gets. If you do it often and your laptop overheats regularly, then get ready to say goodbye to your good looking skin. 

3. Causes back and neck pains 

You might be sitting down now with your laptop on your lap or tummy while reading this wondering how in the world will putting my laptop on my lap or tummy cause back and neck pains? It isn’t even touching my back or neck. 

Well dearie, allow me to point out that you are definitely not practicing the right sitting posture of you have your laptop on your tummy or lap. Sitting in that position for long period of time can cause back and neck pains. So, stop working on your sofa and your bed, go sit on a proper table and chair when working.  

4. Causes sleeping problems

If the reason why your laptop is on your stomach or lap is because you’re working from your bed before going to sleep then it is time you learn about how it affects your sleep cycle. Your body normally sets it sleep patterns according to the rising and setting of the sun, based on light. When it gets darker, you body start producing melatonin to prepare you for sleep.  

However, when you decide to work in bed at night, the artificial light from your laptop can make you body confused about whether or not it should produce melatonin which then effects your sleep patterns causing sleeping problems like insomnia.

5. May cause certain cancers

If your laptop overheats often, then putting it on your lap or stomach is not really a good idea as it can lead to skin damage on your lap that might even develop into skin cancer. Apparently, prolonged skin inflammation can potentially increase the chances of squamous cell skin cancer, which is more aggressive than the more common form of skin cancer.

Since the placement of your laptop when on your lap or stomach is close to the reproductive system it may even be the cause of testicular and ovarian cancers. 

laptop stomach lap tummy Putting Your Laptop Putting Your Laptop Putting Your Laptop


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