SPAN Respond To Higher Water Bill Complaint Is Due To Adjustments



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SPAN Respond To Higher Water Bill Complaint Is Due To Adjustments

By Kimmy31

People are shocked by the higher water bills in May and complaining about their dissatisfaction. The National Water Service Commission (SPAN) explained today that this is because the water bill in May covers water in March and April Fee difference adjustment.  

Photo source: The Sun Daily

SPAN said that bills issued in March and April were based on estimated readings as the water distribution operators could not carry out meter reading during the movement control order (MCO) period in a statement on June 1.

According to The Star, SPAN said,

"After the actual on-site meter reading by the water distribution operator in May, the calculation for May bill will be taking into account the March and April bill adjustments."

"In addition, domestic consumers use more water than usual during the MCO as there are more daily activities at home. This has contributed to the increase in water bills,” said SPAN.

"If the calculation method used by the operators is not in accordance with the method issued by SPAN, they are required to adjust the billing on the affected user's account," it said.

SPAN will correct the bill next month for those who think they are overcharged.

"However, if users felt that the charges were unreasonable and needed of detailed clarifications, they are advised to contact their respective water operators or lodge complaints to [email protected],” the statement said.

Cover photo: Canva



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