Eligibility = LGBT? M'sian Conservatives Accuse eMadani eWallet Programme As Promoting LGBT Movement In This Bizarre Conspiracy Theory



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Eligibility = LGBT? M'sian Conservatives Accuse eMadani eWallet Programme As Promoting LGBT Movement In This Bizarre Conspiracy Theory

By Ayunie

Recently, a misleading message has been circulating on WhatsApp, accusing the eMadani program of promoting the "LGBT" movement. The misinformation stems from the misinterpretation of the word "eligibility" during the application process, which, when pronounced quickly, might sound similar to "LGBT." This baseless claim was debunked by a user on X, @LagaCawan, who labeled the message as absurd.

The message in question implies a connection between the eMadani program, established by the government (referred to as "Kerajaan Madanon" instead of Kerajaan Madani), and the LGBT movement. The misleading text alleges that the government subtly urges citizens to follow the LGBT movement under the guise of the eMadani initiative.


@LagaCawan, who highlighted the circulating message, emphasized the lack of truth in the claims. 


The eMadani program, aimed at promoting digital economy and cashless transactions, has no association with the LGBT movement. The false linkage stems from a misunderstanding of the pronunciation of the word "eligibility."

What do you think of this? Comment below. 

Source: Platform X

kerajaan Madani eMADANI ewallet lgbt movement eligibility


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