During the Movement Control Order (MCO), it has been announced that ONLY one person from each family is allowed to go out to buy essential items, and I believe most of the "heads of the family" are forced to start their "virgin grocery shopping" during this time.
Since then, most of the "ketua rumah" have been undergoing this panicking & frightening "virgin grocery shopping" experience, and of course, most of them has messed up and being scold by buying the wrong items.
If you're a new "remote grocery shopper", I believe you will be able to relate to this stress. Don't panic guys! Just follow this survival grocery guide, be prepared and you will be fine!
Poultry, Meat, and Seafood
Vegetables & Fruits
Remember to share this guide to your fellow "remote groceries shopper" and get yourself mentally & physically prepared before the shopping.
I hope these guides are helpful and I believe all the "ketua rumah" will become the professional groceries, shoppers, after the MCO!
Don't give up ya!