Waking up with a neck pain could just ruin our whole day. However, this unwanted situation can easily be avoided. Apart from correct sleeping position and healthy lifestyle, using a suitable pillow matters too! Here are some tips on how to choose the right pillows to prevent neck pain. Let’s go through them now!
1. Pick the right pillow
When you are buying a pillow, try to go for a feather pillow or pillows that can support your neck. This kind of pillows will change its shape according to the shape of your neck as you sleep facing up. However, it is advised that the pillows be replaced every year.
2. Shaped pillow with ‘memory foam’
Memory foam-pillows that are available today mostly conform to and are able to acquire the natural curve of our necks, which allows them to provide better support to our heads and necks.
Photo source: New England Stem Cell Institute
3. Say NO to over high or stiff pillows
Avoid buying pillows that are too high or stiff as this would cause over-flexing of our neck muscles. As a result, you will wake up feeling your neck really stiff.
4. Choose a pillow that is higher under your neck
If you prefer sleeping on your side, use a pillow that can keep your neck higher than your head.
5. Use a U-shaped pillow when sitting for too long
When you are riding in a bus or a plane, it is inevitable to doze off. This is when you most probably will wake up with a neck stiffness. Therefore, bringing along a U-shaped pillow whenever you are in this situation. Using a U-shaped pillow help to keep your head and neck from being in a bad position that might cause your neck to become stiff.
Photo source: Newbecca
Although using a good pillow may reduce the possibility of us from getting neck pain, we still need to sleep in the correct position in order to protect our neck muscles. Therefore, try to sleep in a healthy position starting from today and let’s all bid morning neck pain goodbye!
Source: China Press, Harvard Health Publishing
Cover photo: Family First || Ecosa