Top 10 Uncommon Phobias You May Have Unknowingly



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Top 10 Uncommon Phobias You May Have Unknowingly

By Syra

Phobia is a type of anxiety disorder defined by a persistent and excessive fear of an object or situation. You may have encountered some of these unusual phobias in your daily lives without realizing, therefore here are some of those phobias categorized in order based on oddness.

1. Nomophobia 
The fear of not being with a phone. This is a growing fear in today's world as the majority of our current lives revolves around technology and being without it would make us feel left out.  

Research has proven that it has a significant impact on our mental health. These are symptoms that may occur when being left without a phone.

Physical symptoms:
• Trouble breathing normally
• Tightness in your chest
• Trembling or shaking 
• Sweating profusely 
• Feeling dizzy or disorientated 
• Rapid heartbeat

Emotional symptoms:
• Fear or panic when unable to use the phone 
• Anxiousness when finding your phone
• Irritation and stress to check your phone

2. Decidophobia
The fear of making decisions or can also be known as the fear of making mistakes. This phobia is usually associated with a person who is a "perfectionist" with results often leading to "analysis paralysis".  

These are some symptoms shown when having decidophobia:
• Avoiding choices
• Depend on others to make decisions
• Using psychic guidance
• Getting intense anxiety when making decisions ( dizziness, rapid heartbeat, or trembling )
• Indecisiveness affects your life 

3. Pediophobia
The fear of dolls. I am sure many of you may have or know someone who has this but are you aware that it's a phobia? This is an irrational phobia that poses no threat and is completely normal having it.  

The symptoms when looking or thinking about dolls includes:
• Intense fear
• Shaking or trembling
• Panic attacks 
• Distress
• Nausea

4. Anthropophobia
The fear of people or society. It resembles social phobia but is not precisely the same fear as its symptoms occur when the patient is in the presence of even a single person, whereas social phobia is the feeling of being uncomfortable in crowds or groups.  

This phobia will have the following symptoms:
• Anticipatory anxiety
• Flushed skin
• Racing pulse 
• Feeling the need to flee

5. Tokophobia/Tocophobia or Lockiophobia
The fear of childbirth. This is usually caused by a past negative experience or from knowing what happens during the process.  

There are 2 types of tokophobia, primary and secondary tokophobia. Primary tokophobia occurs in women who have never experienced childbirth and it can also be seen in girls or women who have experienced sexual assault or rape. Secondary tokophobia occurs in women who have experienced pregnancy and childbirth and is caused by traumatic labor or a miscarriage. These are factors that contribute to it: 
• Fear of pain
• Having a history of anxiety, depression, or childhood sexual abuse
• Hearing traumatic birth stories from friends or on social media
• Uncertainty over the labor and birth process

6. Mageirocophobia
The fear of cooking. It may be caused by a traumatic event or having a genetic predisposition to develop mental illnesses.  

When suffering from a full-blown mageirocophobia, it will be very strenuous for them to go to certain restaurants that show cooking supplies or someone cooking. Such symptoms will appear:
• Anxiety when thinking of or seeing someone cooking 
• Avoidance of cooking
• Tension of muscles
• Panic attacks may occur

7. Philophobia
The fear of love. This may be caused by an incident or trauma, or a learned experience from childhood.  

Anxiety is not an everyday experience for people with philophobia. However, they do have similar symptoms with other phobias:
• Dizziness
• Nausea
• Upset stomach
• Increased heart rate

8. Autophobia
The fear of being alone. Those affected with this phobia believes that they are ignored or unloved without having to be physically alone.  

Autophobia symptoms vary in combination and intensity while including:
• Obsessive worrying about being alone
• Feeling detached from one's body when in solitude
• Overwhelming terror
• Chest pain

9. Kakorrhaphiophobia
The fear of failure. This may even restrict a person from doing anything because of the intensity of their uncertainty and anxiety.  

The symptoms may be triggered when experiencing or thinking about failure, other times it may even seem to come out of nowhere. Symptoms include:
• Hard time breathing
• Digestive distress
• Trembles
• Feelings of being powerless

10. Glossophobia
The fear of public speaking. It's not a chronic condition nor a life-threatening disease however it triggers feelings of discomfort and anxiety.    

When facing a small to a large audience, they would experience a fight-or-flight response. Feeling threatened would cause the blood sugar levels and heart rate to rise to lead to some of the following symptoms:
• Muscle tension
• Nausea
• Hyperventilation
• Having the impulse to getaway

Having or not having phobias does not make you any less normal, so don't be afraid to overcome them with help from professionals. 

#phobias #uncommonphobias #subconscious


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Top 10 Uncommon Phobias You May Have Unknowingly

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