While Malaysia is in the midst of shifting to the endemic stage, many of us are leaving our nests & returning to schools, universities, or work!
In the past two years, we have had a lot of fun (and some painful) memories of ODL & WFH! So, it's time to say goodbye now:
1. No need to bother about wearing pants or tudung
2. Anytime FoodPanda
3. Layan Netflix in the background 24/7
4. No need to talk to people
5. Can freely roll your eyes or flip off your boss/lecturer during Zoom calls
6. Zero traffic, zero stress
7. No kepoh co-workers/coursemates & their non-stop drama
8. Blasting Olivia Rodrigo when you suddenly think of your ex
9. Working/attending classes from your comfy bed
10. No boss/lecturer spying over you all the time
11. Can do chores in between virtual meetings/classes
Good luck & stay safe as you return to your beloved schools, universities, or workplaces!