Relationships aren’t easy. There are so many things that you discover about each other as your relationship grows stronger and sometimes, these things aren’t exactly pretty.
As we already know, mean are complicated individuals. As a girlfriend, you should not be trying to change and control every single aspect of your bf’s life or personality. You have to learn to love him and accept him as he is.
Here are some of the hard truths that you need to know and learn to accept about your bf:
1. Your BF is still attracted to other girls
I mean, just because he is in a relationship, it doesn’t mean that he can’t find other women attractive! Its normal human nature. Just like you find other men attractive occasionally so does he.
What you need to understand is, while he might find someone else attractive, the important part is whether or not he acts on it. If your bf is attracted to another women, he might look at her, stalk her on social media but if he is a good guy, he knows his limits and that is as far as he goes.
You need to accept that he is going to be attracted to other women but trust and believe that he will stay loyal and committed to you no matter what.
2. Your BF still thinks about his ex
I mean, who doesn’t? You might be scrolling through Insta and suddenly see a pic of them with a mutual friend and start thinking about the and wonder what they are up to now.
That is normal. Everyone thinks about that and wonders about where their ex is now. Once again, unless he starts texting her or flirting with her then he hasn’t done anything wrong.
You need to accept that your bf is allowed his own personal thoughts. You can’t go into his mind and control what he thinks about.
3. Your BF still watches porn
Men are men, relationship or not they need to have some personal time with their downstairs neighbour. Don’t take it personally though, it is not because you’re not sexy enough or not hot enough for him, it just normal men things. They be weird ok!
Watching porn is not cheating. When men watch porn, it is not because they want to fantasize being in another emotional relationship. There’s actually no emotion whatsoever included. It is not because they want to sleep with other people either!
They watch porn just because they can. It is just an impulse decision, maybe to release some stress or maybe to just have a little escape from life for a few minutes.
Learn to accept it instead of trying to control your bf because that will just drive him away from you.
4. Your BF needs alone time, away from you
This is nothing personal, honestly. Men just need their alone time to do stuff. They love spending time with you, gaining new experiences with you and doing things with you but, they also need some alone time to pursue their hobbies.
Whether it is going to the gym, going golfing or even gardening, don’t try and stop them. That will just create more tension between you. Instead encourage them to pursue their hobbies while you also take this alone time to care for yourself.
While you are a couple, you also need to both nurture your individuality separately. You need to grow as an individual, then only can you give more to each other.
Then next time your man goes out on his me time, draw yourself a bath or play that game you wanted to play or watch they cheesy rom com your wanted to watch. Do something that makes you feel fulfilled and happy as an individual.