These series were created by Olaf animator Hyrum Osmond and voiced by the Olaf himself, Josh Gad. Just like the video title, Hyrum Osmond and Josh Gad will be are work on this animation and voice the character at home.
Here’s a behind the scenes look at me recording new Olaf dialogue from home for #AtHomeWithOlaf in conjunction with @DisneyAnimation led by @mrhyrum and the geniuses all working from homes to bring these new shorts to life. Also, guys, I’m now a sound engineer too!!
— Josh Gad (@joshgad) April 6, 2020
The first episode of At Home With Olaf is called Fun With Snow, where Olaf is playing with the tiny snow creature. It's just too cute!!
The second episode- Alone in the Forest
The third episode- Fishin Inspired by Hyrum Osmond son’s love of fishing
The fourth episode- Leaves where Olaf is doing the Maple leaves fall counting, such an observant snowman.
There’s no information about how many episodes will be released, so let's hope more Olaf moments will be released in the future. All four episodes are now released on the Walt Disney Animation Studios YouTube channel: