The best kind of love you can give yourself is self-love. As basic and often as you have heard that before, betting on yourself, on your own happiness because of you, is legitimately the best thing you can do.
It is only through loving you, will you be able to love everyone else around you right. In the spirit of that, here are 4 things you should remind yourself every day, in the name of self-love.
#1 Support yourself
Supporting your likes, dislikes, hobbies, passions and ambitions is the best start to self-love. You can't expect other people to be there for you, when you won't even be there for yourself.
#2 Motivate yourself
When you're feeling down and out, the only person who will truly be able to get you out of a rut, is you. Push yourself to always be in the best state of mind.
#3 Speak highly of yourself
It is so easy to compliment other people, we constantly do it. But, do we ever sit and compliment ourselves? Speaking highly of yourself isn't something to be feared, in fact, it is something to be practiced.
#4 Pray for yourself/Manifest
If you're one who is religious, then ask God for the things you want. You don't always have to put others first. It's okay to put you first every once in awhile. If you're spiritual on the other hand, manifest the desires of your heart. Speak it into existence.
Loving yourself is best thing you can do for you, because it is with that, all the bumps in life, will start to fall into place.