Eating insects has become a thing now in the Western countries. More and more international organizations are encouraging the practice of eating ‘insect meal’ due to their high energy and protein content as well as low production cost. Some companies are even introducing this uncommon food into people's diet by serving it with other dishes in order to break the prejudice of insect consumption.
In Japan, a food company, Bugsfarm, has introduced ‘Cricket Udon’ specially crafted for the Japanese people and claimed that the food is very nutritious.
Each bowl of udon contains about 100 crickets in both powder and the entire bug form. This unusual combination has, however, attracted the public to give the food a try. Unbelievably, feedback from many of the consumers are positive. A netizen commented that, ‘The amount of protein is probably double than that of an ordinary udon’.
‘I love udon, the one topped with crickets is just like other salty udon’, said a netizen.
Another buyer of the product mentioned that, ‘There is an earthy flavor that I think is delicious’.
‘I bought it just to find out what an insect tastes like, to my surprise, it is really good’,
The United Nations is also supportive in the practice of eating insects. Aside from its tastiness and nutritional fact, it is more environmental-friendly and needs a lower cost for massive cultivation. But most importantly, eating insects ensures food security for the future.